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Powder Puff Football – Let’s Get Personal!

Do you have a Powder Puff football game at your school? Let’s get personal!

“In the United States and Canada, Powder Puff football games are flag football or touch football games between girls from junior and senior classes or cross-town school rivals. Funds from the ticket and concession sales for the game typically go to charity, the senior class, or to a dance. The games are an annual tradition at many high schools and universities. The term originates from the powder puff, the soft material used for the application of cosmetic face powder. The games usually occur before homecoming.” (per Wikipedia)

If you have a Powder Puff team, you need team shirts to show team spirit! And have we got a deal for you….!

Get down and dirty with Gariel’s Powder Puff T-shirt special offer

Add individual names and 8” numbers on the backs of your shirts for only $7 per shirt. Stand out, be seen, and your team will most definitely serve notice! This is not just any game, bragging rights are on the line. Make sure your team looks great out on the field with personalized team shirts!

Click here to view our Powder Puff designs

Click here to order your personalized names and numbers

To design your own shirts, click here


Let’s Get Personal!

Gariel Screen Printing

Powder Puff Football – Let’s Get Personal!

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